Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Taqueilla Ivey-Fortson. I am excited to share with you view points connected with with what I know that the lord has called me to share with the world! I hope this blog serves as a resource to women who are mothers (or planning to be). Being a woman seeking to find her place personally and professionally in world is tough enough! But, motherhood adds an additional layer of expectations and responsibilities. Some days we are “real life superheros” and other days, whether we want to admit it or not, we are barely even “getting by.” The key to surviving it all is being secure in who we are! I just encourage you to STAND PROUDLY in your own purposes related to motherhood and career…”handling business” in both areas! I hope that here in this space you find stories that inspire you, challenge you, make you laugh, bring you joy, and that you find to can relate to when it comes to this “This Mommy Business!”
But first, let me properly introduce myself. Again, I am Taqueilla. Sometimes, I go by just “Ivey” (my maiden last name, which is beautifully suited for a first as well). Having one of “those difficult names” just slows down day sometimes having to spell-it-out, sound-it-out, etc. Those of you who share the struggle know what I mean! Anyway, I live in the suburbs of Atlanta with my supportive husband, Spencer, and two AMAZING kids that I adore, Spencer III (known as Trey) and Parker Camille. Trey is 6 years old and in first grade. Parker is a toddler (1 year old) and she stays home with me…while I work from home. I won’t even get into the busy days that I have around here…at least not yet! By profession, I am in the counseling field (BS in psychology and MS in Family Therapy). I spend my days training/educating professionals in the field on “best practices” in healthcare documentation, and ensuring that state standards are consistently met. I thrive off seeing people grow professionally, providing support and resources so that they can best serve families in our community! I’m sure as you read my future blogs you will find that I am in a place of obsessing about next steps in relation to my career trajectory. I have ideas that range from more schooling to possible business ventures- it just has to make sense to who I am as a mother. My job as a mommy is SO important to me!
When I am not glued to my computer with work, you can find me: out and about with these kids of mine, or maybe locked in the house with these kids (LOL), engaging in enriching activities, eating dinner with a friend, cooking, eating dinner with a friend (yes, I intended to repeat that), enjoying outings with my husband, spending time with family, venturing into new experiences around Atlanta, reading, writing, web surfing, texting, traveling, “stealing moments” for myself, day-dreaming, real-life planning, and really anything else that keeps my belly full, mind calm, and heart happy! Well, except cleaning…I do a lot of that by force, not choice! Like, I said “this mommy business” is tough!
I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I know I will enjoy contributing!
Thanks for visiting,